How does it work?

VIP Groupe offers you a professional vacuuming service. All our agents have a professional card.


VIP Groupe will visit the location of the shoot/event proposed by the production to determine the exact parking locations for the various technical vehicles, dressing rooms, canteen and game. Following our scouting, we will recommend to the production the number of spaces to be. We will recommend to the production the number of spaces to be secured and the number of suction cups to be installed on the set.


Deposit Lubeck cones at the set address (see authorisation) and transmission of information by the site manager to the agent on site such as the name of the production, the title of the film, the name of the location manager and the assistant location manager.


The agent must free up the parking spaces as and when required, informing local residents and shopkeepers of any outdoor filming (specify duration); The agent must keep the spaces free for traffic and local residents until 2 hours before the arrival of the technical vehicles, if possible;

The officer should react if the vehicle(s) do not move and inform the site manager as soon as possible. The officer on site must always be in possession of the authorisation in case of control (paper or dematerialised).


The agent introduces himself/herself to the team and/or the manager as an employee of the company;


The agent assists the drivers in parking their vehicles according to the installation plan of the technical vehicles and in the direction of the traffic.


The officer must stack the Lubeck cones and ensure that they do not interfere with the parking of residents or pedestrian traffic. 


The agent must inform the administrator or his deputies of  his/her end of service and send an SMS to their site manager.

The benefits?

A community of car space booking agent that is 100% professional and employed within the VIP Group.


With an expertise of more than 30 years, our knowledge of the field assures you a know-how regarding the technical constraints.
We ensure the posting and distribution of notices to residents in the areas affected by the event in order to anticipate any inconvenience caused to residents.


We meet your needs whatever the activity and size of your company's structure. With more than thirty years of expertise in booking locations and hundreds of sets to secure, the location and streets of Paris and its suburbs hold no secrets for our team.

Would you like to request a quote?

VIP Group offers "Car Space Booking Agent" with a perfect knowledge of Paris and its suburbs and do their utmost to respect the neighbourhood life and not to disturb the local commercial activity.